First row, left: A polaroid duo of a busy suburban street with a house and high-rise flat that appears upside-down within a bedroom. A bus travels horizontally through the top half of the right image, so a streak of green and white cuts across the image. A wardrobe is centred in the right image. Colours are mostly browns, cream and hints of blue.
First row, middle: A polaroid image of four flat windows appears upside-down within a bedroom. The image covers one wall, and a murky blue sky overlaps the bed. The colours are mostly murky browns, green and blue.
First row, right: A polaroid duo of an upside-down image of a two storey house (left) and high-rise block of flats (right). This image appears upside-down on an inside wall, where a lamppost cuts onto the room’s radiator. Someone’s hair appears as a shadow that is positioned centrally between the two polaroids. The colours are mostly browns, cream and hints of blue.
Second row, left: A polaroid image of a busy suburban street that appears upside-down within a bedroom. The flats cover two walls, and the blue sky overlaps the bed. The colours are mostly browns, cream and hints of blue.
Second row, middle: A polaroid image of the head and shoulders of the artist, with her eyes closed, overlaid with an upside-down image of a two storey house, high-rise flat and blue sky. Both layers are partially transparent, the colours are mostly pinks, purples and hints of blue.
Second row, right: A polaroid duo. The left image shows the artist’s head, overlaid with an upside-down image of a busy suburban street, flats appearing on her face. The colours are mostly browns, cream and hints of blue. The left image shows a house and an interior radiator
Third row, left: A polaroid image of an upside-down image of a two storey house and high-rise block of flats. This image appears upside-down onto an inside wall, where the top of the roof and a telephone wire cuts onto the room’s radiator. A shadow of a person obscures the right side of the image. The colours are mostly burnt oranges, cream and hints of blue.
Third row, middle: A polaroid duo, with the artist’s head (right image), with her eye open, overlaid with an upside-down image of high-rise flat. A two storey house takes up the left image, the colours are mostly burnt pinks, purples and hints of blue.
Third row, right: A polaroid image of one side of the artist’s head, with her eye open, overlaid with an upside-down image of a busy suburban street. Both layers are partially transparent, the colours are mostly burnt pinks, purples and hints of blue.
Fourth row, left: A polaroid duo. Both images show the upside-down image of a suburban street, with multiple two-storey houses. The right set of houses are more stretched. The colours are mostly browns, cream and hints of blue. The left image shows a house and an interior radiator, the image of a lamppost overlaps the radiator.
Fourth row, middle: A polaroid image of a flat window and vegetation appears upside-down within a bedroom. The image covers one wall, and the blue sky overlaps the bed. The colours are mostly browns, green and hints of blue and cream.
Fourth row, right: A polaroid image of a busy suburban street that appears upside-down within a bedroom. The flats cover two walls. A bus travels horizontally through the centre of the image, so a streak of green and white cuts across the image with colours that are mostly browns, cream and hints of blue.
Fifth row, left: A polaroid image of an upside-down image of a two storey house and high-rise block of flats. This image appears upside-down onto an inside wall, where the top of the roof and a lamppost cuts onto the room’s radiator. The colours are mostly browns, cream and hints of blue.
Fifth row, right: A polaroid image of an upside-down image of a two storey house and high-rise block of flats. This image appears upside-down on an inside wall, where the top of the roof and a lamppost cuts onto the room’s radiator. The flats cut into an interior door. The colours are mostly browns, cream and hints of blue.