Two children peer at artwork in The Tetley contemporary art gallery

Support us

Help us create a platform for amazing emerging artists, present ambitious free exhibitions and help communities and young people find their creative voices.

As we continue our mission without a venue, your support is even more important.

The commercial income streams that were so vital to us when operating at The Tetley are no longer open to us.

As a registered charity, every penny counts and your generosity enables us to deliver our ambition to provide opportunities for everyone to explore their cultural potential, no matter their economic background.

By supporting Yorkshire Contemporary today, you’re investing in early career artists and championing art and culture in our region.

Yorkshire Contemporary is funded by Arts Council England and the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund & Leeds City Council via the arts@leeds programme

Registered Charity No. 1148716.

[The organisation] … is on a mission to take art and culture to communities and dispel the myth that art is only for certain people.”

— Yorkshire Evening Post