Privacy policy

Yorkshire Contemporary Privacy Notice – 2024

Here at Yorkshire Contemporary we take your privacy seriously and will only use your personal information to provide you with information that you have requested to receive.

Who We Are?

Yorkshire Contemporary, known as The Tetley 2012-2024, is operated by charitable company, Project Space Leeds (Registered Company Nº 7123227; Registered Charity Nº 1148716). Our registered address is Project Space Leeds c/o Sagars, Gresham House, 5–7 St Paul’s St, Leeds LS1 2JG.

How Do We Collect Information From You?

We obtain information about you when you use our website, for example, when you contact us about our products and services, to make a donation or if you register for our newsletter.

What Type of Information Is Collected From You?

The personal information that we may collect from you may include:

  • Name and title
  • Contact information including email address
  • Demographic information such post code, preferences of the type information you would like to receive from us
  • Information about what pages have been accessed on our website
  • Payment details where we have processed debit or credit card payments from you or have been supplied bank details.

What We Do With Your Information?

We may use your information to

  • Use it to contact you with the information you have specified you are interested in
  • Internal record keeping
  • Statistical reporting
  • Market research purposes
  • From time to time we may contact you about any new events or promotions that we think are closely linked to your preferences
  • Process an order or donation that you have made
  • Carry out our obligations with you in respect of a contract entered into by you and us

We review our retention periods for personal information on a regular basis. We are legally required to hold some types of information to fulfil our statutory obligations (for example the collection of Gift Aid). We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity, or as long as is set out in any relevant contract you hold with us.

Who Has Access to Your Information?

We do not sell information to third parties.

We do not share information with third parties for use in marketing campaigns.

We may have to share come information with third parties who are working on our behalf for example companies who are processing payments on our behalf or who provide us with software we utilise to store data, such as accountancy information, our bank, our data systems. They are only provided with the information required in order to undertake their services to us and are not permitted to utilise any of this information to carry out their own marketing.


We are committed to ensuring that your information is kept safe and secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access or disclosure we have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial processes to safeguard and protect your data.

Your Choices

You have a choice about whether or not you want to receive information from us and can give us preferences for what specific areas you are interested in and not interested in. If we are at any time contacting you with regard to information you do not want to receive, please contact reception@yorkshire-contemporary.local or ring 0113 3202323 and we will remove you from our contact list or change your mailing preferences accordingly.

Up to Date Information

If at any time your contact details change or your preferences change, please also contact us to make sure we hold up to date information about you. Please contact reception@yorkshire-contemporary.local or ring 0113 3202323.


Like many organisations, our website uses Cookies. These are small bits of information sent to your computer and stored on your hard drive. They allow the website to recognise you when you visit. They collect statistical data about your browsing actions and patterns and do not identify you as an individual. It can help us to deliver a better service. Cookies can be switched off by changing your browser preferences within your settings. Switching off cookies can result in losing functionality on websites.

The list below describes the cookies we use on this site and what we use them for. Currently we operate an ‘implied consent’ policy which means that we assume you are happy with this usage.

cookieConsent cookie used to determine whether or not a user has accepted the use of cookies on the website. This cookie expires after 60 days and prevents the cookie consent bar from reappearing on each session.

pressAccess cookie used to determine whether or not a user has inputted their details in the data capture form on the press page which in turn enables downloads. This cookie expires after 60 days and prevents the data capture form from reappearing on each session.

Session Storage

Session storage lives within a single browser session and is not shared between tabs. It does not expire automatically, therefore if you don’t close your browser it will not expire.

splashStatus session storage used to determine when a new user session has started and in turn shows the splash overlay upon initial load.

noticeStatus session storage used to determine when a new user session has started and in turn shows the visitor notice bar.

Links to Other Websites

From time to time, our website may provide links to other websites. Our privacy policy is only in relation to our own organisation and website and therefore you may want to review the privacy policy of other organisations before you use their websites.

Children Aged 16 and Under

Children aged 16 or under should seek the permission of a parent or guardian before providing personal information.

Privacy Policy Review

This policy was last reviewed in May 2024 and is subject to regular review.