Illustration of people looking at a sculpture

Waterfront Festival returns for 2022!

Journal 21 Jun 2022

The Leeds Waterfront Festival is back for 2022!

The largest waterfront festival in the north is kicking off this weekend with a fun packed programme of events and activities at Leeds Dock, Granary Wharf and Brewery Wharf.

This summer-long celebration showcases the best of what the city’s waterfront has to offer!

As well as The Tetley’s summer programme – with free exhibitions, classes and our family play space – there’s lots going on with events organised by the Canal & River Trust, Leeds City Council, Leeds Dock, Citu, The Royal Armouries, Brewery Wharf and Granary Wharf.

Experience the waterways come alive with an eclectic mix of music, performances, workshops, art and fun for all ages to enjoy.

Visit the Waterfront Festival website