2022 exhibitions programme

The Tetley
November 2021

The Tetley is delighted to announce its 2022 exhibitions programme, bringing together a range of international artists and artists local to Leeds and the north. The forthcoming programme builds upon The Tetley’s national reputation as a pioneering centre for contemporary art in the heart of Leeds’ South Bank. 

Justin Fitzpatrick: Alpha Salad
26 January – 8 May 2022
Atrium & Galleries 1–8

Justin Fitzpatrick presents Alpha Salad, his first major solo exhibition in a public gallery, exploring decadence, food and bodily consumption. Alpha Salad presents a narrative from soil to table, that extends beyond pleasure and the aesthetic and sensory understanding of taste, to highlight the tension between the surreal theatre of food preparation and service, and the biological necessities and risks of eating. Fitzpatrick considers the bodies created, consumed and at work throughout the food and hospitality industry, and invites us to reconsider their complex, but often overlooked, relations and their implications in our everyday lives.

Justin Fitzpatrick: Alpha Salad is supported by the Henry Moore Foundation and Fluxus Art Projects.

Bubu Ogisi
May – July 2022
Shirley Cooper Gallery & Gallery 9
The culmination of The Tetley’s Here, There & Everywhere partnership with New Art Exchange, this exhibition by Nigerian artist Bubu Ogisi presents new work produced during her residency earlier in 2022, made in collaboration with young creatives in Leeds. Ogisi’s work crosses traditional boundaries of art, design and fashion and is particularly interested in the social and environmental impact of textile production.

Here, There & Everywhere is New Art Exchange’s international programme, supported by Ambitions for Excellence, Arts Council England.

Emily Hesse: The Witches’ Institution (W.I)
27 May – 18 September 2022
Atrium & Galleries 1–8
Emily Hesse, alongside co-author Professor Andrea Phillips, will present their collaborative exhibition The Witches’ Institution (W.I.). The exhibition is a series of experimental works, discussions and experiences that aim to think about, in this current moment of hypocritical political structures, what a cultural institution run by historically defined ‘witchcraft’ and alternative magic could physically manifest as on a planet in turmoil. 

ROOT-ed Zine: Past (Retrospect), Present (Reality) and Future (Reform)
7 October 2022 – 22 January 2023
Atrium & Galleries 1–8

Ending the year is ROOT-ed Zine, whose exhibition Past (Retrospect), Present (Reality) and Future (Reform) will feature new and existing work in a variety of mediums from a curated selection of emerging BIPoC artists from, or based in, north west England. The show will include a free and accessible ROOT-ed zine featuring the artists, articles and poems.

Forthcoming exhibitions by Emily Hesse and ROOT-ed Zine are part of The Tetley Jerwood Commissions programme, supported by Jerwood Arts’ Development Programme Fund.

Open now: Lauren Gault: Cithra
Continues until 3 January 2022
Atrium & Galleries 1–8
The Tetley’s current exhibition by Lauren Gault, Cithra, continues until 3 January 2022.

Artist development and participation programmes
Throughout 2022

Running alongside The Tetley’s exhibition programme is a focused range of artist development programmes, aiming to develop the skills, experiences and knowledge of early-career artists from Leeds City Region.


Press Visits and Enquiries

For enquiries, images or to arrange a visit please contact Hannah Keating, Marketing and Communications Manager: hannah.keating@yorkshire-contemporary.local | 07800797245

The Tetley is a pioneering centre for contemporary art located in the stunning art deco headquarters of the former Tetley Brewery. From the heart of Leeds’ South Bank, The Tetley creates a platform for amazing emerging artists, presents breathtaking free exhibitions and helps communities and young people in Leeds find their creative voice.

The Tetley is supported by Arts Council England, Tetley’s Beers, Leeds City Council and Garfield Weston Foundation.

yorkshire-contemporary.local  | The Tetley, Hunslet Road, Leeds, LS10 1JQ | Free entry

Jerwood Arts is the leading independent funder dedicated to supporting early-career UK-based artists, curators and producers to develop and thrive. They enable transformative opportunities for individuals across art forms, supporting imaginative awards, fellowships, programmes, commissions and collaborations. They present new work and bring people from across the arts together in the galleries at Jerwood Space, London, as well as across the UK and online. Jerwoodarts.org

The Henry Moore Foundation was founded by the artist and his family in 1977 to encourage public appreciation of the visual arts. Today it supports innovative sculpture projects, devises an imaginative programme of exhibitions and research worldwide, and preserves the legacy of Moore himself: one of the great sculptors of the 20th century, who did so much to bring the art form to a wider audience. henry-moore.org