Eight tiled photographs of squiggles and shapes of fabric that look a little like letters
Lisa-Marie Dickinson, PAVEMENT POSTCARD.

Lisa-Marie Dickinson: Open Studio

  • Sat 2 Sep
  • 12–5pm
  • Artists' Studio, First Floor, The Tetley
  • Free, drop-in

Artist Lisa-Marie Dickinson presents their recent research on language in this open studio.

This follows on from their two month residency at The Tetley as part of our Associate Artists programme.

In particular, Lisa’s work investigates asemic writing, or text-like marks that have no obvious meaning. Compiled of tests, notes, findings and photographs, Lisa explores how their expression is sometimes restricted by conventional writing forms.

From illegible and graphic writing to music scores, Lisa explores patterns that could be letters or pavement markings that could be poems.


For 2023–24, The Tetley’s Associate Artists Programme (TAAP) supports the development of early career artists Emily Binks, Lisa-Marie Dickinson and Beatrice Lee Knowles.

Find out more about TAAP here.


  • The Artists’ Studio is located on our first floor.
  • Our lift is located at the rear of our building for access to all floors.
  • Please call us on 0113 320 2323 or email info@yorkshire-contemporary.local if you have any specific questions about access.

For more information about visiting The Tetley, click here.