Taus Makhacheva creates stories and even superheroes through a playful process of mixing, borrowing and assimilation. Often drawing from daily life in Dagestan and the Caucasus region of Russia, Makhacheva reflects on the day-to-day rituals, celebrations and instances of everyday heroism with a playful and humorous tone.

The Tetley presented a digital in conversation event between Taus Makhacheva and Bryony Bond, Director of The Tetley, that explored the Hold your horses exhibition and Taus’ practice.
About the artist
Taus Makhacheva (b. 1983, Moscow, Russia) lives and works in Moscow, Russia. Despite being born in Moscow, Makhacheva’s cultural origins are in Dagestan, which often informs her practice. She works with different media including installation and performance, but is predominantly known for her videos, often exploring notions of truth relating to cultural authenticity and assimilation following the Sovietisation of Dagestan.