A person leans backwards, you can see their limbs as they weave red thread into white threads

Announcing Antibodies: a collaborative Live Art programme with HH Art Spaces

Journal 22 Sep 2022

The Tetley, Leeds and HH Art Spaces, Goa present Antibodies, a collaborative Live Art programme that celebrates performance art and migration, supported by British Council’s India/UK Together Season of Culture.

The programme brings together a range of cultural practitioners to reconsider the body and the border, in both current geo-political terms and in the extended realms of myth, magic and healing. Artists will give performances that explore our bodies as sites of susceptibility, places of protest and decolonial devices able to reclaim embodied histories that are told, shared and lived.

The artists’ processes and outcomes will be developed in a peer-to-peer artists residency, where a cohort of eight artists will develop an ‘Anti-body’ that tests the limits and possibilities of verbal and non-verbal languages, histories and ‘life as we know it’.


India/UK Together, a Season of Culture (June 2022 to March 2023), celebrates the friendship between the UK and India. Marking the 75th anniversary of India, this cultural exchange will showcase a vibrant programme of events across music, theatre, cinema, literature, fashion and visual arts. Antibodies is one of the projects within its Science, arts and heritage in times of change programme.

Image: Raisa Kabir, The Body is a Site of Production, performance at The Tetley as part of Performance Art Intensive, 2017. Photo: Jules Lister